SACHS products are manufactured from high-quality materials and reflect the state of the art. They stand for high performance and reliability. This is why numerous well-known automotive manufacturers equip their vehicles with SACHS products - every year, more than 10 million new vehicles equipped with SACHS dampers and shock absorbers roll off the production line. Moreover, SACHS offers high-quality clutches for original equipment manufacturers and the spare-parts market.
- SACHS spare-parts portfolio includes shocks and dampers for more than 38 million Asian vehicles of various manufacturers
- SACHS has already been involved in more than 100 wins and has gained wide experience in motorsports, this experience is used in the development and manufacturing of SACHS products
- Products sold by ZF Aftermarket under the SACHS brand are spare parts within the meaning of Article 1 Figure (1) h) of Regulation (EU) No. 461/2010
Product Range:
- Clutch Kits
- Clutch Kits with CSC
- Flywheel
- Clutch Master Cylinders
- Clutch Slave Cylinders
- Shock Absorbers